Tuesday 30 August 2011

Oral History Training Documents

just backdating a little bit. As you all know, Roger Kitchen came down on the 19th of August to further the groups knowledge on carrying out interviews and capturing peoples oral history. This was a very beneficial workshop, as those who came could tell you. At the end of the session everyone had a go at conducting interviews, static and on the go. Roger has sent a copy of this which we can watch in Fridays session. He also sent all the material that he gave out on the day. Please have a look at this as it is useful information and will serve as a good reminder in the future. There is also a document on the video making process - the steps of putting a documentary together - which I believe is invaluable.
  1. Oral History Training
  2. The Video Making Process
  3. Setting up the Interview
  4. Setting up the Frame - Picture Composition
  5. The Recording Agreement
As I said, please go through these if you missed the workshop so you are up to speed with what has been learned.

Interview with Nigel and magazine ideas

Hi Everyone,

It was so good to see a full group out last week. It was a very good day, with Ruvimbo doing an excellent job working her interviewing techniques and putting some really good questions to Nigel Moffatt, the writer and recording artist who we interviewed. To be reminded of what he has done check here. Dwayne was in charge of filming and Peter was doing the sound check, with Yannis supervising and guiding the whole process. Overall the interview went really well and it was interesting to hear Nigel's perspectives. Hopefully we will be able to see a raw cut of the interview in the near future.

In terms of the magazine, we started going through ideas of the content and the roles people could play in making it as shown below . These are in no way solid and are just the preliminary ideas thrown out by the group.

Name: Beyond the Drum
About: 190 years of black theatre - documentary supplement
Format: A5, 20 pages, colour
  • Editing - Ruvimbo
  • Photography - Tonia, Dwayne (Peter?)
  • Design - Tonia, Nathan, Annelise
  • Journalism - Simone, Ruvimbo, Annelise


  • Voice of the street - peoples viewpoints
  • extracts from interviews in the documentary
  • mini bios of interviewees
  • personal profiles of young people involved in project (everyone to write their own, including picture, interests, 3 words to describe yourself, aspirations)
  • History of black theatre - find ways to make it interesting, e.g. gossip style
  • Upcoming theatricals (if relevant, since this is a one-off publication)
  • Interesting contemporary plays, points of interest, recommended courses
  • Promotions and sponsorships - if relevant
  • Games page - crossword of black theatre, wordsearch, quizzes etc
  • photos of actors, actresses and people involved in the theatre, shown in a glossy way
Sounds good guys! If you have any more ideas add them here for us to think about before we meet on Friday :)

Friday 19 August 2011

Hi guys,

So sorry I couldnt make it. I did text Don early hours of this mornig saying that I have been throwing up and running a fever for the past day, I went to the doctor this morning and they think ive got food poisoning again, i'm not sure if Don got my text as I had missed calls from the office this morning. I tried to contact Don today on his mobile and sent another text message from my mothers phone as i dont think my phone is delivering text messages. I hope I havent missed out on too much, I was looking forward to today as always. what was the aganda for today was it Dons workshop on black theatre since the 1960's or had the agenda changed? . love and blessings as always and see you all next week xx

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Taking a more active role

Hey Everyone
how you doing? Don and I were thinking that maybe, so that we can have more creative input in this project, that we could go out and conduct our own mini interviews and get perspectives from other people who have something to say about Black British Theatre. With the training from Yannis and the Oral History Society it should be no problem to do this. The material could go on the website or if possible and it is of a high enough quality, in the actual documentary. We can even use information gathered to add to the magazine. What do you guys think? do you have any other ideas about how we can be more involved?

Sunday 7 August 2011


Hi guys,
great meeting on Friday :) I was glad to see an almost full group and to meet you Peter and Nathan (and the little ones :)

As you know we are meeting with Yannis and Louis on Thursday for a filming refresher and shooting in the afternoon. We're going to divide the group into 2, one to do the interview, one to get general views and places of interest in Birmingham, so start to have a think about what you would prefer.

I have managed to secure Nigel Moffatt for the interview, which will be similar to the one we watched with Kwame and you will have the opportunity to talk to him afterwards. Nigel is a playwright who lives in Walsall and created works like 'Musical Youth' and 'Lifetime'. You can get a bit more information about him at his website http://www.moffimedia.com/


Friday 5 August 2011

Personal Profile

Hello... My name is Ruvimbo Maria Kuuzabuwe. I'm a Zimbabwean born student currently studying: Performing Arts, Philosophy & Ethics and Spanish. I'm a singer and I have been singing for a few years now; I stumbled upon singing in year 6 when we had to do an end of year production on The Mikado by Gilbert & Sullivan. I believe that was my first memorable initiation to performing and I haven't looked back since; performing has become an irreplaceable part of my life. I guess you could say it's my first love: the one you'll never forget. I'm reluctant to call myself a singer because I don't feel I've earned the title yet so I'd call myself a "Singer-in-the-making". I'll let you know when I consider myself a singer though.
With regards to this project, I am definitely looking forward to discovering The history of Black Theater. This is going to be a worthwhile learning curve for us.
Anyways I'm raring to go so let's do this!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Workshop 5/08/11

Hey Everyone,
Just to let you know that we are meeting up on Friday at 12.30 at Henderson House. Look forward to seeing you there

Monday 1 August 2011


Hi folks
I have had some feedback about the look of the site.  We agree it's all great except for the ease of reading. The background and the letters and fonts are similar and therefore difficult to read.  can you adjust the background or the lettering.
Otherwise great great great
